Das Tao
Te King von Lao Tse
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| Read | Dictionary/Statistic | Compare: Horizontal | Vertikal | Quadro | Character |
- Textcomparison
- Reader
- The environment (beta-version!)
- Language
Compare two versions
1. Enter the chapter-number into the white field.
Hint: If a version is already chosen, you can enter a number into the field and hit "enter".
2. Choose versions from the drop-down.
Hint: If you hit a letter on the keyboard, the next entry that starts with that letter, will be choosen.
Hint: If the drop-down is active (blue background), you can use the mouse-wheel or the arrow-keys to scroll up and down.
3. The round buttons below the number-field mark, which window will be activated, when browsing through a version (left, both, right).
4. To browser chapter-by-chapter, use the "-" and "+" buttons.
Compare four versions
This works basically like two-version-comparson:
1. Enter the chapter-number into the white field.
2. Choose versions from the drop-down.
3. The round buttons mark, if the upper or the lower window will be activated.
4. Mark the checkbox under the number-field to activate all four windows when browsing.
5. To browser chapter-by-chapter, use the "-" and "+" buttons.
6. The chosen versions are shown in the white fields.
Direct link to text-comparison
If you want to set a direct link to a text-comparsin, click "Link". A "prompt" opens, in which the link is already marked. Hit "Strg" + "C" or "Shift" + "Del" to copy the link and "Strg" + "V" or "Shift" + "Ins", to paste it somewhere else.
Examples: Four versions, two versions.
Compare five Chinese versions
Five Chinese versions
I never use it, but it's there and maybe helpfull in some cases. Since I did not test it extensively, there might occure errors with some settings. Basically you can select any of the Chinese versions that are compatible. Punctuation marks will be removed ((should be optional)), the Characters are linked to the dictionary. You can also auto-scroll with different speeds: Makes no sense to me. It does give an impression of the differences, so for a very good friend of the book, worth at least a look.
The Reader
The Reader offers the option, to have only one version on screen and still browser through all versions without leaving the page. Besides that, by now only the Reader includes the incomplete translations..
To use the Reader, choose a version from the top-line:
The page is loaded - now you can directly choose the chapter from the 81-quater. At incomplete versions, only avaible chapters are marked dark:
Alternately you can browse the version with the buttons:
Customize Reader
On the right there is an empty drop-down-menu called "[---> custom <---]", which you can fill up with any version you like. Click the link "customize". The following page offers a list with all versions (except the incomplete), each one with a checkbox:
Mark the versions, you want to add to the custom list. Already chosen versions are marked, unmark them to remove them.
At the end of the page you find four buttons:
Set saves the current settings.
ReSet resets all changes you have done without saving.
Clear All removes all marks.
<< takes you back to the previous page.
The environment (beta-version)
The "environment" offers an alternative access to the TTK. It can roughly be divided into three aspects:
1. Navigation: You are able to get from any point A to any point B with just one or a very few clicks. Any chapter is equipped with many buttons, and if you want to go to a function, for instance the comparison, the current chapter of the current version will already be chosen.
2. Dictionary: If you are reading Chinese versions, you can click any character to view an extensive dictionary-entry. A short English translation is usually displayed as a tool-tip (point on a character for 2 seconds).
3. Statistic/content: You can
- view a list of all different characters of any Chinese version
- ordered by appearance
- ordered by frequency
- ordered by the characters structure
- view statistical charts for any Chinese about
- the number of characters per chapter
- the number of defect characters per chapter
- the concordance of a Chinese character
Any output in this sections is also linked to other parts of the collection.
Important note I: This is considered a so called "beta-version", which means, it works quite good already, but still has to be fixed here and there. Though hardly, it can happen, that you get stuck somewhere. Some things can be very "raw" yet, with no further navigation and no actual design. Finally, the convenience has be optimized in some places, and it will be - sometime.
Important note II:
- Javascript has to be enabled
- It might look screwed in other browsers than the Internet Explorer
- Functions might not work in other browsers than the IE
- "Loading" can take very long, as the script on the server-PC has a lot to do
- Something might not load at all if that PC is very busy: Try again (later).
The PHP index and the regular index
To get to that environment, you have to switch the index first. The following icon on the index (with all versions listed), indicates, that it is the "regular index" and will open "regular" TTK-versions:
Click above and see for yourself: A regular version opened from there holds just the text, the information (language, source, author, year, link) and the basic navigation.
This icon indicates the "PHP index":
The PHP index lists modified versions, where every chapter is equiped with these icons:
They all display tool-tips, when pointed at them. The basic effect is, that whatever you click, the function behind it, will be started with the chapter of the version you are currently viewing and, as far as the function allows it, display a Chinese chapter page like this one, which again is connected to the Chinese dictionary, which again is connected to a statistical function.
The Chinese versions on this index can be set up. They all appear with characters linked to the dictionary, but with the four radio buttons to the right, you can also choose an output with pinyin or pinyin only.
Chinese Chapter Reader
Any chapter in any of the (right now) twelve different Chinese versions can be accessed with two mouseclicks. The chapter will be displayed in different variations, including both PinYin-writings. To the upper right, it holds statistical data on the chapter: Number of characters, punctuation marks, different characters and, with results mostly in the Mawang Dui versions, defect characters and percentage of damage. Tool tips will be given.
When you point on a character, the PinYin-writing as well as a simple English translation will be displayed. Clicking on a character opens it's dictionary entry.
On the bottom of the page, you find two small textareas (with scrollbars). These contain playlists for WinAmp. If you download the linked soundfiles to your harddrive and save a playlist to the same directory (open a texteditor like Windows Notepad, copy and paste the content of a textarea into an empty document and save it as "chapterXY.m3u"), you can open it with WinAmp and the chapter will be read. Some words are missing, I intend to create a "missing-word-sound" for these. Sometime.
The Dictionary
Dictionary and Statistic
The content of a dictionary page can be modified in the upper right frame, if you are in the actualy dictionary interface. You can increase the size of the frame with the mouse.
The big Chinese character on such a page is linked to a page with just a table, that shows, how the character is spread in the Wang Bi version, but you can switch to any other version as well. This information is also given on a dictionary page, four rows of colored dots on the top and with the exact numbers in the middle of the page (top row: Wang Bi, Heshang Gong, bottom row: Mawang Dui A and B).